Monday, November 7, 2011

WoD 111108 "Neva"


30# PR on the Back Squat good job Jason!
11 Dead Lifts
6 Box Jumps
8 Hang power Cleans
7 Burpees

Goal <10 min

This is our first real practice with scaling after last weeks post. So here are some guide lines:
 Only 1  bar for both Dead Lifts and Hang Power Cleans ( means they will be the same weight) so pick an appropriate weight for the cleans and this will determine you DL weight.

 What is it that you need to work on more? BW movements? Or Strength for Barbell movements? If the first then scale appropriately on the not only on the box jumps and the burpees but also on the barbell movements so that you can attack those movements when you get to them. Maybe you make a decision to go a little higher on a box so you decide to do less weight on the barbells so that it can all be unbroken. Or vice-versa go a little heavier on the barbells and a little lower on the box or maybe do burpees to the bench so that you can work on your strength in the HPC & DL but still finish with in the appropriate time range for the work out. This is your chance to start making good decisions that will positively impact your future fitness.

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