Thursday, November 3, 2011

WoD "Chelsea"

No More Rx'd ( Scaling not just for Grandma)

CrossFit is Constantly Varied, Functional Movement, Preformed at High Intensity. Most of you in the gym get this. You understand and appreciate these concepts. However as a whole the gym seems to have forgotten the last part which is not included in my above definition. That is CrossFit is also Universally scalable... and not just for newbies and grandmas, for every one. I fall victim to this my self sometimes. Take Thursday's work out. Remember how I said it was supposed to be under 11 minutes, how many of you finished under that time? Did you notice my time was well over the 11 minute mark as well?

Metcons at CrossFit Tulare are designed with a purpose. Though it may seem like madness at times many of you have felt the effects when you hit Pr's after not back squatting for weeks or coming into a work out not having done a movement or feeling like a movement is a weak point for you, only to find that you have made huge gains in that area. One purpose of the metcons is to train you in different time domains, remember from your intro that CrossFit delivers Increased Work Capacity Across Broad Time And Modal Domains. This means that when I say a work out is supposed to take 11 minutes or less I am trying to place a very specific metabolic stress on your body, if your work out takes too long or you finish too quickly you have missed one of the points of the work out.

This is where scaling and modifying comes into play. Scaling is increasing or decreasing the amount of reps and or weights for the different exercises. Modifying the workout involves changing one ore more of the movements because of injury or lack of ability. Over the next few weeks we will be getting more focused practice on scaling work outs, I will no longer post a Rx'd weight instead I will put a goal time range for the work out and in class we will talk about what the work out is trying to accomplish and what adaptations we are trying to elicit. Do not ask me “What's RX'D ?” because I wont answer instead I will point you to the time domain range. Make it your goal to end within the time domain range for each and every workout.

    *For AMRAPS I will be posting desired round ranges. Same rules apply.

Set up before a clock, and every minute on the minute perform 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats.  continue for thirty minutes?  If you fall behind the clock keep going for thirty minutes and see how many rounds you can complete.

Goal: 30 complete rounds with out falling behind
 Scaling Options :
Scale Down: -1 (or more) from each movement for example  4 pull-ups, 9 push-ups, 14 air squats 
Scale Up: + 1 ( or more) to each movement for example 6-pull-ups, 9 Push-ups, 16 Air Squats

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